Bigg Boss 15: Tejashwi's people took class for calling Shamita Shetty aunty, shared the video. Bigg Boss 15 has reached its finale week but the fight between Shamita Shetty and Tejashwi is not taking its name to stop. There was a fierce fight between the two and Tejashwi called Shamita aunty, after which now an old video of her is going viral. Bigg Boss 15 has reached its finale week. Both Shamita Shetty and Tejashwi Prakash have been the most talked about contestants of this season. There was a lot of quarrel between the two from the beginning. Recently, Bigg Boss gave the last finale task to the housemates, to judge which the audience themselves came into the house and voted for their favorite contestants. The last week of Bigg Boss also saw a big fight between Tejashwi Prakash and Shamita Shetty. Where in the fight Tejashwi called Shamita aunty, which Shamita did not like at all. After Tejashwi called Shamita aunty, now people have surr...
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